Just a simple family's experience with the possibility of a child with Trisomy 18

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Chromosomal Test Results

       We received test results from our baby's Chromosomal Micro-array test.  They indicate that he is NORMAL.  yea!   It still leaves us wondering why we found the extra list of symptoms for Trisomy 18 after he was born, why he has some of the symptoms, and why we felt like we were supposed to get the extra test done.  Who knows!  I still hesitate to get my hopes up until some of the symptoms clear up, but it is great news!  Now he just has the kidney test to go through next week. Poor kid!  He has already been poked and examined so many times in his first 2 months of life, we sure love him though and are so grateful he is in our family.