Just a simple family's experience with the possibility of a child with Trisomy 18

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Man's View

     I'm a man. I'm a creature of few feelings, and those I do have are too hard to get to and usually not worth the effort. But sometimes, even a man feels something. In this case, I feel a lot of things. First of all I feel grateful for the knowledge of Eternal Families, and for a wife with faith enough to make up for my shortcomings. We're praying for all the miracles we can to have a healthy baby, yet we accept God's will. His ways aren't always our ways, but we believe we can gain an understanding of His ways through study, prayer and living with faith and optimism.
     I also feel grateful for supportive friends and family who care enough to ask how we are. If I were in their shoes, I would probably try to avoid the topic, uncomfortable with how to talk about it.  But they show their faith and charity by bringing up the hard topics and offering their optimism and encouragement. Thanks, we love you all. -- the dad

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