Just a simple family's experience with the possibility of a child with Trisomy 18

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Good News!

     Had another ultrasound on Thursday.  Our baby is still growing - great news!  The doctor said his heart looks great, no defects or holes, which is a really good sign, plus no signs of external physical defects either.  His right kidney is still having troubles, but his left one seems to be functioning well.  The doctor says the baby's chances of having Trisomy 18 is now down to about 1 % since he is still growing.  Of course, we can't tell how his brain is functioning, but since he is having a lot of hiccups, it's a good sign that he is practicing breathing.  Yay!!
--The mom

Sunday, March 4, 2012


     Recently we shared with a woman about our possible trisomy child and she told us that her child had a rare disorder called albinism, and is having trouble in school because of her failing vision. Wonder of wonders, we met a young woman last summer with the same disorder, who is also going blind (who, by the way is an amazing young woman--always cheerful and loving despite the fact that she has very poor vision and knows she'll be blind very soon).
     We spoke with the young woman we'd met last summer, and she eagerly asked the name and contact info for the child with albinism so she could help her through her trials. Her mother became an advocate of sorts for children with albinism.
     Isn't it amazing how our life experiences can bless others in so many ways.